Avalara for Communications


Avalara for Communications

Odoo is a fully integrated suite of business modules that encompass the traditional ERP functionality. Avalara AvaTax for Communications connects to your current billing or ERP system to quickly determine and calculate taxes and fees for traditional telecommunication services, as well as VoIP, internet services, cable and satellite TV, and other communications services.

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Integrate Odoo with Avalara For Sales

By automating tax calculation and tracking the complex and ever-changing rules and rates for over 70,000 jurisdictions, Avalara saves your time, reduces your costs, and allows you to focus on business, not on tax obligations.

System level settings.

After completing credentials you can get connect with your Avalara account.

Customer or Buyer Level Settings.

You can also set customer/buyer level options for better tax calculation.

Determine Jurisdiction.

You’re able to obtain correct PCode for the jurisdiction.

Adjustment handling.

You can also call adjustment for current/previous month transactions.

Company or Seller Level Settings.

You can also set company/seller level options for better tax calculation.

Transaction Level Settings.

You’re able to assign TS pairs to your products to calculate tax according to them.

Transaction Service type pair.

You’re able to run transaction according to TS pairs.

Exemption handling.

Module has an ability to handle both type of exemptions.

Customer Level Features

  • Through customer address generate place code to determine accurate taxes.
  • You can select customer type
  • You can apply tax exemption for a customer
  • You can apply tax exemptions in both ways, Tax type exemption and Category exemption.
  • Lifeline option for customer (lifeline is federal program that subsidize the cost of phone and internet for eligible customer)
  • You can select exemption scope.
  • You can select exemption domain.


Product Level Features

  • You can select T/S Pairs (Transaction/Service Pair) for product.
  • You can assign product as avalara bundle item.
  • You can give number of lines for avalara bundle item.


Quotation Or Sale Order Level Feature

  • You can select sale type in Quotation or Sale Order as Whole sale, Retail, Consumed or Vendor Consumed.


Other Features

  • Activate/Deactivate recording and select recording option as per requirement.
  • Activate/Deactivate Logging.
  • You can also view transaction report with in Odoo.

Customer Profile Setting

Customer Address Setting


  • Provide customer address e.g. street, city, state, zip and country and then click the validate Jurisdiction button. this will generate the place code and through this place code avalara calculate the accurate taxes.
  • You can see the Supported Region by Avalara Supported Region

Customer Type

customer_address_place_code1 (1)

  • Here you can select the customer type
  • You can select customer as residential, business, senior citizen , industrial

LifeLine Option


  • Lifeline is a federal program that subsidize the cost of phone and internet for eligible customer.

Exemption Type


  • You can select the exemption type. There is two types, tax type exemption and category exemption, In tax type exemption we can give the type of the tax which should be exempt and in category exemption we give category of tax which should be exempt for that customer.

Tax Type Exemption


  • After selecting the exemption type as tax type exemption we can see the above screen and can select the type to tax which will be exempt while making sale order.

Category Exemption

  • After selecting the exemption type as category exemption we can see the above screen and can select the tax category type which will be exempt while making sale order.

Exemption Scope


  • Exemption scope determine where the exemption is to be applied. combination of one or more of these values.

Exemption Domain


  • The Jurisdiction level in which the exemption must match the taxing jurisdiction .


Product Setting

Select T/S Pair


  • AvaTax for Communications uses a system of numbers to represent the Transaction Types and Service Types for the service you wish to tax. Passing valid combinations of transaction service type pairs provides AFC part of the information necessary to produce the appropriate taxes for a specific jurisdiction.
  • You can search more about T/S pairs for avalara Avalara T/S Pairs

Avalara Bundle Item

  • Product offerings by Telecommunication companies include grouping of services into a special price for competitive and/or other strategic reasons. The grouping of services is called “bundling.”
  • You can search more about Avalara Bundle Avalara Bundle


Sale Order Setting

Select Sale Type

  • You can select Sale Type for sale order.

Select Product and calculate taxes


  • You can select Sale Type for sale order.



  • Here is the invoice

System level settings

  • Add Client Id, Profile Id, Email and Password to establish connection with Avalara for Communication.
  • You can also select Sandbox and Production Environment.
  • Get Connected with Avalara Account by Clicking Test Connection Button.

Seller Or Company Level Setting

  • You can also set seller level settings i.e. business class, service class etc.
  • You can also set Facilities, Franchise, Regulated

Advance Options

  • Activate/Deactivate recording and select recording option as per requirement.
  • Activate/Deactivate Logging.


System Level Setting

System Level Setting

  • In Avalara Credential You have to Provide the Avalara Client_id , Profile_id (Optional, use for Avalara Bundle item Default is ‘0’), Email, And Password.
  • Click Test Connection To Make the Connection Of Odoo With Avalara.


Company or Seller Level Setting

Business Class Options

  • Specifies whether the business making the transaction is an Incumbent Local Exchange Company (ILEC) or not an ILEC Only impacts Communications transactions in certain jurisdictions, such as Oregon.it has two options ILEC and CLEC
  • ILEC: Engaged in selling services over company-owned lines and equipment
  • CLEC: Engaged in selling services competing with an incumbent provider

Service Class Options

  • Delineates the primary activity of an organization as Local Service or Long Distance Only impacts Communications transactions in certain jurisdictions, such as New York. it has two options Primary Local and Primary Long Distance.
  • Primary Local: Carriers vending their services with over 50% of the gross business activities in Local Service revenue
  • Primary Long Distance: Carriers vending their services with over 50% of the gross business activities in Long Distance revenue

Other Options

  • Facilities: Specifies whether the transaction is sold over tangible facilities controlled by the seller. In some jurisdictions, tax outcomes vary depending on whether the service is delivered over infrastructure controlled by the seller.
  • Franchise: Indicates that the seller provides services sold pursuant to a franchise agreement between the carrier and the jurisdiction.
  • Regulated: Specifies if the company and its services are regulated by the regulatory commission in the state of the service.


Advance Options

Advanced Options

  • Recording Options: This option is used for to just calculate tax or to calculate tax and record documents to the AvaTax account.
  • Logging : This options is used to enable the loggings.

After purchasing if you face any issue regarding the functionality/working of our app, we are here to address your queries. We provide 90-days support to our clients.The support period starts from the date of app purchase till 90 days onward.

Does your app work in Odoo Enterprise?

Our module is compatible with both Odoo Community and Odoo Enterprise.

I need an extra feature in this app. How can I request it?

Upgrades are not free. If you require any customization, you can contact us. We offer support for 90 days after purchase. For further information you can contact us at contact us or read our support policy.

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