Getting Started with HubSpot CMS Hub – A Comprehensive Guide

CMS stands for Content Management System, and it aims to maximize your online presence. An industry leader in this arena is HubSpot CMS hub. It is an add-on to the already extensive HubSpot Marketing Hub that helps maximize your online success.

If you’re looking to focus on growing and nurturing your business through your website, this CMS can change the game for you entirely. This cutting-edge system was introduced to the market in 2020 and has proven revolutionary for business website success.

In this article, we’ll help you understand what CMS by HubSpot is, what it does, how it can help your business and how HubSpot partners can play a crucial role in transitioning to this system. So, without further ado, let’s get into it!

What is HubSpot CMS Hub?

As mentioned earlier HubSpot is a marketing system designed with a host of apps to help your marketing and sales team survive in the modern digital business space. So, they launched their very own CMS system responsible for the specific purpose of your website’s success. Imagine it as a framework like WordPress and Squarespace to help build a customized website easily.

Its differentiating factor lies in not just the ease of setting up your own website on top of it, but also how it seamlessly integrates your website with the rest of the HubSpot suite making your sales and marketing efforts much more streamlined. It decreases the load on your marketing and sales teams and makes the sign-in process and data management much more convenient.

Best Features

Let’s take a look at some of the most remarkable features or tools you can access by using the HubSpot CMS:

  1. Payment Tiers: HubSpot CMS is super accessible given it’s free tier, starter tier, pro tier and enterprise tier. These are designed to ensure that you only pay for tools that you need for your business and do not incur any additional fees for features your business might not need.
  2. Innovative Drag-and-Drop Editor: HubSpot’s CMS offers the very convenient feature of a drag-and-drop feature that is super intuitive. It allows marketers to create and edit website pages without any coding knowledge required beforehand. With 100+ templates, your team can design beautiful user-friendly websites with very low effort.
  3. Multiple-Screen Optimization: With multiple screens becoming the norm, it is crucial that your business website is compatible with mobile screens, PCs, laptops, tabs etc. Thankfully, the HubSpot CMS offers you website views across different sized screens so the website is accessible and easy to navigate regardless of the device they’re browsing your website from.
  4. Personalization & Customizability: HubSpot CMS helps businesses personalize their websites so they can tailor their customer experiences according to their brand image and the customer journey they want to deliver. You can also add custom-designed templates and elements to add an additional layer of personalization. This will help in lead conversion rates as well.
  5. Advanced Analytics & Reporting: CMS by HubSpot enables customers to track their website’s performance through its advanced analytics and reporting. This is super helpful in strategy design so you can gauge what your pain points are and where to invest more energy and resources.
  6. Secure Scalability: HubSpot CMS keeps all your data safe and secure while your company scales and grows. It is equipped to handle increasing amounts of traffic and engagement on your website, without ever compromising on security or data leakage.

How Does CMS Work?

CMS works by helping you set up your website at the backend without coding. It’s easy and intuitive and you set up your website framework right after logging in. This makes your website user-friendly without doing any of the heavy technical work.

Why Is CMS Important?

According to Statista, 92% of firms already use a CMS system to manage their websites. So, let’s take a look at why CMS is important for businesses of today. There are many reasons for its rising popularity, among which are:

Higher Website Conversions

The HubSpot CMS Hub users see an average increase of 15% in website conversions. This is proven by a study conducted by HubSpot on the users using their CMS. Thus, proving that this system can help convert higher leads and sales through the website.

Higher Website Leads

Another study conducted by HubSpot proved that companies see an increase of 20% in their website leads after using their systems. This would help companies gain higher visibility and convert them to buyers.

Suited to Handle High Traffic Websites

The website designed by HubSpot’s CMS is adept at handling high traffic without crashing. 91% of its users call it easy to use, even though it takes little effort it yields high rewards.

Working with HubSpot Partners

Navigating a new system with your teams can be quite challenging as it disrupts your workflows and your teams need to be trained to use these tools. With HubSpot CMS integrating with multiple tools, it is critical that industry experts, like our seasoned HubSpot partners at Techloyce, can provide a guiding rule.

This way you waste less time and resources taking shots in the dark and have systems working for you instead of you working for systems.

Final Word

 With over 100,000 users using the HubSpot CMS Hub, moving your website to this system with a set of super helpful tools seems like the right investment to make. But, if you need help in making the decision of wither this tool suits your business needs or have any questions or queries regarding this transition, you can reach out to our experts at Techloyce to learn more.

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